Monday 23 June 2008

guest starring...

I get that nagging feeling like I left the gas on (but don't have any gas) or I haven't paid a bill (I have lots of bills) when I don't post anything here. I like the catharsis but it's also become something of a necessity which in turn makes it a bit of a burden when I'm very busy. I do wonder how someone with a memory as flawed as mine could ever become a history teacher. Even skimming back a few months I see a phrase or an image that jolts the dynamo that powers the dimmming bulb of my long term memory. I wish I'd done this since I was about 5. In order to assuage the guilt that works on behalf of my memory I sometimes ask my girl to write something. Usually I get excuses but today I'm lucky that she's bored at work. YEY! Her inspiration comes from a telephone conversation we had this morning. Thinking about it, most of our conversations are like this. Prepare for a profound journey into our respective psyches, Dr. Freud!

‘The bus journey to work felt so long today..’
‘So I started thinking about the different types of bus drivers you get..’
‘Yep, you get white ones, Chinese ones…’
‘NO! NO! NO!’
‘anyway, there’s the bus driver who doesn’t like stopping at traffic lights, there’s the bus driver who doesn’t like stopping at bus stops – that’s the one we had today..’
‘…then there’s the bus driver who thinks he’s a racing driver, the bus driver who growls when you get onto the bus and then the overly friendly bus driver who stares and smiles like a pervert and then winks as you swipe your oyster card….’
‘…have you ever had a dream where you’re at work, you’ve finished everything you had on your to do list and then you wake up and realise that it was a dream and it’s time to go to work??’
‘Yep not nice…I dreamt that you got kidnapped by these people and they circumcised you…’
‘..what the?...wha…(quickly change subject) so the window cleaner woke me up really early and then the maid came in at 7..’
‘You have a maid?!’
‘Yep, she’s 19 and she likes to work naked’ (talks to maid in the background – ‘leave that for now. Come and sit and have a cup of tea’)

Incidentally, I can't write stuff like this becuase I do not have that female brain function which is to recall conversations verbatim. When I say I have spoken to friend X, it's as much as I can do to recall what it was about let alone be able to answer the questions like ';so what did she say? what did you think?'

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