Thursday 8 May 2008

Marca: Eto'o al Tottenham per 35 milioni di euro


Secondo quanto racconta Marca, Tottenham e Barcellona si starebbero accordando per il trasferimento agli Spurs di Samuel Eto'o. La trattativa per l'attaccante camerunense sarebbe già stata aperta, ed i negoziati comincerebbero sulla base dei 35 milioni di euro richiesti dagli azulgrana.

According to my online translator this means:

According to how much it tells Marks (Marca- Spanish sports paper), Tottenham and Barcelona would be being been coming to an agreement for the transfer to the Spurs di Samuel Eto' or. The negotiation for the forward camerunense already would have been opened, and it negotiates to you would begin on the base of 35 million euro demands from the azulgrana.

My guess is that's bullshit in any language. It also means that we have a long way to go before machines replace humans in the translation business.

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